Sunday, August 18, 2013

Toddlerhood: July-August

I didn't take as many pictures this month as I thought I had.  Next month we have a lot going on so that can make up for this month's lack of pictures.  Enjoy!

Grace and Ellory have been spending a lot of time together!  Kim (Ellory's mommy) and I both work part-time and have been trading time watching these girls so we can get work hours in.  

Jack, Grace, and Will

The Children's Museum is a fun place to go!  Grace and her "daggy" like to play there.  
(See previous post for more daddy-daughter pictures this month)

More of Grace and Ellory.  We did some artwork during a nasty storm outside!

My friend, Megan (from college), came to visit us for the day.  In this picture, Megan is showing Grace a video of real piggies as Megan's boyfriend runs a dairy farm that has lots of animals.  Grace has been there once and was in heaven!

Some summer time ABC review.  We have taken a BIG break from structured learning...mommy has been tired (you know, being pregnant and all) and we have just been playing a lot!

I posted about our visit to Columbia, S.C.

Our potty training girl :)  There is a detailed post about this process if you are interested.  Grace is doing great with it!

Residency Update: So far, so tired.  :)  Jimmy has had a pretty good schedule despite being gone a lot (or maybe it just feels that way to me).  He works long days and then has to come home to do more work/reading.  However, he is a great dad and plays with Grace first thing when he gets home each day.  She is in the daddy's girl phase and probably won't ever exit it.  Grace ADORES Jimmy and since you don't get to see the look on his face when she says, "I WOVE you, daggy!" then I'll just tell you, he adores her equally.  It's been harder for me lately to have Jimmy gone so much and I'll credit that to my being 29 weeks pregnant/emotional.  Jimmy asked me the other day if I wanted any ice cream and I started crying.  He said, "What did I say?" and I said, "I already had ice cream today...I don't NEED anymore."  Yeah.  I'm ridiculous right now but he knows how to handle me and has been really helpful.  Jimmy has some good breaks coming up and a vacation week next month so we are looking forward to that.

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