Friday, September 6, 2013

1st Day of 2 Year Old Preschool!

Yes, our little lady is growing up.  There was mostly excitement around/about this day.  It was my first full work day (I'll be working one full day and a half day in the office for awhile in addition to hours from home) for the year as well ,so maybe I was more concerned with getting everything all packed for the two of us than being all emotional.  Plus, this momma has been ready for Grace to get back into a "school year" routine!

Jimmy and I wrote Grace a special note to set out for her first day of "school".  Okay, I got a little emotional doing that part, but that's it!  Grace woke up to find a present and her favorite breakfast: pancakes and bacon.

She has been obsessed with this Berenstain Bears book so we got her a new one about going to school.  She wanted the book to watch her eat breakfast.  :)

As I was about to capture a pretty good shot, Grace pointed and shouted, "Look mommy, it's a airpane!"  She loves anything in the sky.

The best smiling picture I could get!

  Not only was today her first day of school BUT Grace hit some other milestones.  She had regressed a little with potty training (#2) BUT went on the potty right before we left for school.  That was a big deal!  Grace also went potty at preschool (she had been holding it and only really going at home) AND Ellory's house (Grace and Ellory will be spending lots of time at each other's houses).  When I picked Grace up after work she hadn't had ANY accidents!  She hasn't really had any accidents at home but I was nervous about it since she was at other places all day.  Anyways, God humbled and relaxed me big time today because He sure knew I was stressing about all of this and what for?  Nothing!  Grace and I went to the new Dairi-O and she got to choose any ice cream she wanted for a job well done.  We are so proud of her!!

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