Saturday, September 7, 2013

32 Weeks Preggo!

32 Weeks
The board says:
Wesley is about 4 pounds
He'll be here by
October 29th!

I had a c-section with Grace (I'm sure there is a blog post about that one but I pushed for almost 4 hours and she didn't budge so I got sent to the OR for a c-section) and we decided to have a c-section again for many reasons.  Actually it was a hard decision because I felt selfish for choosing to do a c-section without trying the "right" way.  Lots of emotion and discussion went into this decision but we feel confident a c-section is the best option for this momma with non-child bearing hips :)  Therefore, Wesley will be here on or before October 29th.

Feeling: Like a beached whale.  :)  Okay well it's not that bad yet, but I am definitely getting uncomfortable.  Comes with the territory I suppose.
Looking: Forward to a beach vacation/mini baby moon soon!
Eating: Still pretty normal...much different than when I was pregnant with Grace.
Craving: Chocolate
Trying: to soak up my time with Grace before there are two.  I feel like she says new things everyday that crack Jimmy and I up.  We love her to pieces but can't wait to meet Wesley.

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