Friday, September 13, 2013

Last Day of "Gymastics"

It has been several weeks since the last "gymastics" class (as Grace pronounces it) and she still wakes up some Fridays thinking it's gymnastics day.  This girl LOVES to jump.  Actually that's the first thing she asks Jimmy to do when he walks in the door each day.  So naturally, we weren't surprised that she loved gymnastics this summer.  We won't be doing it during the school year since Wesley will be here shortly and we don't know what our days will look like but we'll definitely be signing her up again next summer.

The "tampoline" was by far her favorite spot each class.

Dismount :)

We were so glad Grace's friend, Ellory, was in the same class!  They had fun together.

Bless.  I only brought my "mom" camera to the last class because the rest of the classes I was running around after this one.

She loved the foam pit almost as much as the trampoline.

I was surprised to see her be so careful on the balance beam.

The rings became a fun place to practice being a monkey.

Jimmy was proud to see that Grace had her priorities in order at gymnastics.

She would say, "Ready, Set..."

"GOOOOO" and jump on into the pit.  Our fearless, little lady.

It was fun watching these two enjoy gymnastics all summer long!

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