Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Curriculum Coming Soon: A Journey through the Bible for Toddlers

I am excited to begin sharing from a new curriculum that is in the works. The idea of A Journey through the Bible came to me from a class I took this past year.  I audited an Old Testament bible class in Winton-Salem through Gordon Conwell Seminary which is based in Charlotte, N.C.  I learned so much about God's word and the rich history behind what I believe. 

Jimmy and I have been reading the Jesus Storybook Bible to Grace since she was born and she loves it.  It's a GREAT children's bible.  I decided to create a curriculum for her next stage in life based off the bible stories.  The goal is to teach three lessons a week where two of the lessons are based off bible stories and the third lesson is focused on guided learning.  It's not near complete but I'll begin posting things sooner than later (hopefully).  I am hoping to have most of it complete by the time Wesley arrives!

*The Little Learners Curriculum is being finalized and will be out for sale soon (I'll post the website where we'll be selling it). 

We kind of took a break from organized learning over the summer.  Recently we have come up with spontaneous ideas...

Grace collected seashells from the beach and I let her paint them.  She is all about painting!

Bake with your little one!  They may have a different definition of "help" BUT it's so good for them.

Since October is here and we have been talking about baby Wesley coming this month, we began our count down.  Grace gets to put the number up for each day.  She also loves doing the weather.  She looks outside at the weather, chooses the picture and then matches it to the picture on the graph.

This month I am letting her color in the graph by herself.  I outlined the box and let her go for it.  Toddlers are the cure for OCD :)  I am learning to release and let her do things even if they are not "perfect" or neat.  It's good practice for her and for me.

Grace wanted these stickers from Target, so I bought them and figured we would do something with them eventually.  Then, I realized they were perfect for patterns!  We have done a few pattern activities but this was great.  Grace needed a lot of guidance but could point to rows and say, "bat, candy, bat, candy..."  That's an ABAB pattern folks!

My friend, Kim, gave me the idea of taking pictures of all Grace's artwork (especially from pre-school as they come home with something everyday) and putting the images into a photo book.  I LOVE the idea because it's hard to find space for all the artwork and to keep it organized.  This is in the works!

Revised learning wall: I added numbers up to 20.  Grace can count to 20 but sometimes leaves numbers out.  The next curriculum will have activities involving one-to-one correspondence.

I added two new shapes and even let Grace color "inside" one of them.  She is really into coloring inside of things (as well as a 2.5 year old can) and is starting to draw in circular motions. 

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