Thursday, October 3, 2013

35 Weeks Preggo

35 Weeks
We'll be a family of 4

Since we are having a planned C-section this time around, it makes the countdown to baby Wesley's arrival all the more real.  Y'all, we'll have a baby in LESS than 4 weeks because every Tuesday marks another week.  We are getting really excited and now that it's his birth month, it is setting in!

To dos
1. Install car seat into vehicle: it's already down from the attic!
2. Pack hospital bag: this is mostly done...
3. THREE more doctor appointments: Grace accompanies me and brings her "doctor" bag
4. Finish the nursery: more below on this
5. Finish my work hours so I can "relax" in November :)
6. Finish Grace's video: I am creating a movie of all the video clips from her first years of life
7. Finish curriculum: Most of y'all know my friend and I created a curriculum for 1-2 year olds.  My goal is to have that completed and up for sale within the next week or so.  I have already begun a new one and hope to have most of that finished before Wesley arrives so all I have to do is pull activities from that when possible to do with Grace.

Feeling: Pretty good for 35 weeks!  On Wednesdays, I feel the worst since I'm in the office all day sitting on my rear.  Usually my backside and feet hurt by the end of each day.  That's why I try to get my walking/work outs finished in the mornings because I sure don't feel like it once dinner time hits.
Looking: At my baby girl.  This sounds weird but I'll catch myself just staring at her as she dances around the room or talks...and talks...and talks, haha.  I am trying to appreciate these last few weeks with just her around.  We are having some fun!
Eating: Nothing has changed here...some days I am extra hungry but usually my appetite is normal which it should be a this point.  I don't have as much room in the belly!  I'm happy to share that I've gained 33 pounds at this point.  That may seem like a lot to everyone that keeps a strict "count" of their pregnancy weight but when I was pregnant with Grace, I had already gained over 40 pounds at this point.  I feel like I keep a healthy watch over my pregnancy weight so I'm happy with where I am and eager to begin running again...I love running!
Craving: Sweets :)
Trying: to balance working 33 hours a week/being a mommy/wife/and pregnant!  I am grateful my job is letting me log extra hours before Wesley is born so I'll have a paid maternity leave.  Many props to full-time working mommas (including my mom who did it with my brother and I)!  I don't know how y'all do it but I will say it's taught me to prioritize.


  1. Hey Kristen, I've been thinking about you guys, and wondering how you're feeling. Super super busy, as usual. Grace is so beautiful, and growing up so fast. Good luck with your next 4 weeks, thanks for keeping us posted!

  2. I think you and I are both REALLY excited that October is here! You look great! Can't wait for Wesley and Levi to "play" together. :)
