Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our Little Lady

We sure have been enjoying our time together as a family of four!  I'll be posting a long post about Wesley turning 1 month soon.  For right now, I want to showcase our little lady.  Since Wesley is still in the newborn sleep a lot phase, Grace and I usually get a good bit of time together during the day. 
Grace kept asking to bake cupcakes, so we chose some funfetti mix at the store.  We even mixed different colors of icing.

We were playing outside after a walk when Grace brought this huge leaf up to me.  We brought some inside and did a leaf rubbing activity.

Part of the new curriculum I am working on focuses on some fine motor skills.  I want Grace to start trying to color and paint inside of the lines (for developmentally appropriate pages).  I decided to let her begin this process by trying to paint inside of the lines with her fingers.  She seemed to enjoy it!

Comb painting: Grace LOVES to paint and I love looking for different ways to paint on Pinterest.  Comb painting was a hit!

Think she was into it?

The focus of the current curriculum we are working on is Jesus!  This was the third lesson where we learned about Noah and his ark.  The craft was really cute.  It was great because it enabled Grace to practice gluing, which she loves as well.

It turned out great!  You can guess what she snacked on during the craft...
More baking with my girl; this time we used cookie cutters.  She is giggling in this picture because she snuck some cookie dough :)

I couldn't resist capturing this moment on camera.  If you know Grace, you know she is obsessed with Minnie Mouse.  She as a few Minnie Mouse dress up toys where you can change Minnie's outfits.  She asked Jimmy to play with her, and he was super focused here :)  What a good daddy!

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