Friday, November 29, 2013

Gracien-Lewis-Turner Thanksgiving 2013

Every year we go to Rock Hill, SC for Thanksgiving at the Lewis establishment :)  We have had Thanksgiving at their house since I can remember; even when they used to live in Orangeburg, SC.  My mom and dad drove up from Columbia, and the Turners drove down from Winston.  Cindy and Linton are superb cooks.  They always have an eye out for new recipes and have a fancy touch to most dishes!  We appreciate all their hard work every Thanksgiving. 
Of course we have a lot to be thankful for this year; Wesley being our newest reason :)  There are many people that are without this holiday season...without food, shelter, and loved ones.  That gives us great perspective and we are grateful for all God has blessed us with.  We know He gives and takes away, and pray that our family is kept safe and together as long as He shall allow it. 
Jimmy and his mini-me (or so we hope)

Wesley was one day shy of turning a month old on Thanksgiving...he still seems so tiny!

Gotta love the outfit and hat (courtesy Memere)

Grace kind of adores her Pepere.  She always talks about him "getting" her...and here it is in action. 

Jimmy, manning up with the Moby wrap.  And some alcohol, haha.

Skyping with Uncle Jordan in California.  I think Grace is singing Twinkle Twinkle to him, here.  He is participating in No Shave November, if you can't tell.  We can't wait to see him for Christmas!

Cindy and Linton at work!  They are the best hosts :)

The Turkey-carving Master (and Jimmy being a photo bomb)

Mom, myself, and my littlest turkey

There's my other turkey...she snuck into the chocolate covered popcorn and Goldfish here, folks.  Never take your eye off of a 2.5 year old :)

Good men cleaning up the aftermath

Good men entertaining our 2.5 crazy child!  Memere brought a gift for Grace of Minnie Mouse dominoes...what a toddler-attention catcher they were!

Mom and Dad with their first grandson :)

Our family of 4.  So crazy!  Grace was in a really cute outfit, but I had already put her really cute pjs on for the ride home before I realized we hadn't taken a family picture. 

Grace made this at pre-school.  We brought it with us so she could eat on her placemat :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to give little Wesley some snuggles!!! Looks like ya'll had a fun Thanksgiving! :)
