Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wesley is 1 Month!

Our little man is 1 month old, y'all!!  This month has been great :)  Grace has been the BEST big sister!  She has been interested enough to help get diapers, give him his paci, and checks on him when he cries.  She loves to hold him, but also loves to give him right back, and go about her day.  I'd say she balances it out well.  I have some one month "stats" for Wesley at the end of all the pictures.
Thank you SO much to our family and friends.  We had friends bring meals, gifts, visit, take Grace on playdates, and check in on us.  We had family do the same things.  It meant a lot having my dad, mom, aunt, uncle, and brother at the hospital for Wesley's birth.  A huge thanks goes out to my aunt Cindy and mom.  Cindy came and helped out for a whole day that Jimmy was on call.  My mom came up after Jimmy went back to work and helped for several days.  She also was here this past week since I went back to work.  Don't lecture! :)  I work part-time for a research company, and we have a big deadline for a project due in the middle of January.  I felt ready to ease back into things there since a lot needs to be done and the kids practically nap at the same time each day.  I went into the office for a few hours when my mom was here, but most of my work is from home.  Jimmy is on a new rotation (regional) right now which enables him to get home earlier and have weekends off, so that will be helpful also.  Jimmy is a natural at regional  (he does blocks all people can be awake for minor surgeries) and I've loved hearing his stories each day.  He'll be back in the operating room at the end of next month.
Okay, picture time!
Wesley: one day old
Wesley, 1 month old!  Starring Ollie the Octopus, whom you'll be seeing in the monthly pictures.

1st doctor appointment
1st boo boo: His umbilical cord came off with some assistance from Jimmy, and bled a little.  Grace generously shared one of her Jake and the Pirate band-aids.

1st night snuggling in bed with big sis

She loves giving him kisses

So does Maverick

Mini photo shoot in his bedroom...I love my camera when I can get good lighting!

1st story

1st bottle

1st trampoline...WAIT!  This was for Grace ;)  She loved gymnastics and was begging to go back.  Instead, we looked up trampolines and found a crazy affordable, quality trampoline.  We couldn't resist so Merry (early) Christmas to our little lady.  It wears her out :)

Lots of this happened this month

1st bath

She's learning

I must end this post by praising Grace!  She is "pockey"-free!  We asked if she wanted to trade her pockeys (Jimmy called his pacifiers that, so we did the same with Grace) in for a toy at Target.  We explained she wouldn't be getting them back and that only babies need pockeys.  Surprisingly, she agreed.  We let her pick out this Minnie Mouse fairy dress-up toy, and she "paid" for it by turning her pockeys in to the cashier at Target.  Jimmy whispered "just put them in the trash" to the cashier.  Grace was very upset at naptime and bedtime for a few days, but she got over it quickly.  We are so proud of her!

I kept up with Grace's monthly statistics, so I figured I wouldn't be able to get away with not doing them for Wesley!  I look forward to seeing him grow and change month to month :)

Weight:/Height/Head: We won't have this information until his 2 month check-up but he was 8.6 at his first check-up.  His head measured in the 97% but I don't believe it because his head seems way smaller than Grace's head was!
Moods: Wesley has been a pretty chill baby!  He had a few rough nights due to being gassy.  Otherwise, we can't complain!
Favorite foods: Milk...duh!
Favorite toy: his play mat (formerly Grace's, as most toys will be)
Sounds: I caught him cooing on camera one time.  It was adorable :)
Favorite hobbies: Sleeping, eating, know, baby stuff
Sleep habits: We can usually get him down by 9 and he'll sleep 3-4 hours, then another 2-3, and then another 2-3.  I'm usually only up with him 2 times, and he'll eat and go back down.  Sometimes it's harder than others to get him back to sleep.  As far as during the day, he usually takes 3 naps.
Clothing Size: Wesley is STILL in newborn clothing.  This is strange to us, as Grace was only in newborn clothing for a few weeks.  He is about to outgrow all of the newborn stuff, though.

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