Saturday, February 1, 2014

3 Months as a Family of 4!

We had a jam-packed month, y'all!  I feel like it flew by, and all of a sudden our chunky monkey is 3 months old!  In his monthly posts I am going to include what our whole family did that month.  Life's tough as a second don't even get your own blog posts!  :)
Look at our chunky monkey! 
This is Grace @ 3 months old
And here is Wesley again; their baby pictures look SO much alike to me!
Grace again (she was a chunk, too)

And here is Wesley again.  The man boobs and rolls are in full force; he's not light.

Highlights from this month:

Jimmy took Grace on their first Daddy-Daughter date.  They went to Chick-Fil-A and to see the movie Frozen.  It's never too early to show a little girl the way she deserves to be treated by boys (even though Jimmy swears he won't let her date until she's 30).

Stud shot :)

Memere came to spend MLK weekend with us.  We LOVE when she visits!  Grace got to ride on the train at the mall for the first time....check out the video:
Yes, they both had fun!  We were so grateful for Memere coming to visit since Daddy worked allllll weekend.  Wesley decided to be an extra handful that weekend, so thank goodness for Memere!
Grace and Memere enjoying some trampoline time.

Wesley and his buddy, Levi (5 days older) had some play time together.  We see Levi every Friday!
Myself, Grace, Katie, Beth, Liz, and Henry (Wesley was sleeping in the stroller)
These are three of my best girlfriends from college.  We have a girls' weekend every year and still plan on having one this year.  This was a mini-get together so Katie and Beth could meet the newest additions to our families.

A rough life the dogs and Wesley live...

Grace LOVES to paint so I am always looking for new ways to explore.  I wrapped rubber bands around a rolling pin and she loved it.

1st day at pre-school for Wesley
Bath time monster

My heart swells with joy when I watch Grace entertain Wesley.  She brings him food from her kitchen, dances, sings, name it!  I think they are going to be best buds.

This is what Wesley usually does when watching his sister :)

Reaching for toys!

This will SO be used for some type of embarrassment in the future.  Promise.  Sorry son.

Life with an older sister...he blends in nicely, don't you think?

Jimmy caught this one.  Wesley was sleeping like a champ.

Heyyyy!  Sporting his suspender onesie, holding a football, and holding that head up in the bumbo!  Poor boy has to sit in a pink bumbo.

Weight/Height/Head: We won't have an update until 4 months, but I'm guessing he'll measure in as a short, chubby, big headed baby
Moods: Oh boy do we have a happy, little chunkster on our hands!  Wesley likes to pretend to cry when he wants to be held but usually watching his sister act silly makes him stop.  He LOVES to watch Grace! 
Favorite foods: Milk :)
Favorite toy: This musical toy that plays different songs
Sounds: Squeals, half-laugh (for Jimmy one night) and googoo gaagaa noises...all cute!
Favorite hobbies: Eating.  Just check out the pictures above...  He also enjoys watching Grace all the time!
Sleep habits: Wesley's night time sleep has GREATLY improved.  I give credit to some friends from church that recommended these probiotic drops.  They are made by Gerber and say "colic" on the bottle, but they can be used as gas relief.  The tiny little bottle was not cheap, but I think it has made a huge difference.  Wesley has been sleeping from around 7-6 (yeah!).  He is usually only up twice for a short feed.  Most nights we have been getting a 5-6 hour stretch out of him and the other night I was only up once with him.  We will take it!  He is still sleeping in this slanted rocker thing and we hope to get him into his crib this month.  He just really loves his belly, so once he can roll over I think it will be a breeze for him.  Wesley takes three naps during the daytime.  One of the naps is a shorter 30-45 minute nap.  The other two naps are about 2+ hours.  He really likes napping on his belly in his crib.  Both kiddos naps are still overlapping which I am so grateful for!
Clothing Size: Wesley is in 3 month clothes right now but it won't be long before we graduate to 3-6 month clothes!
Big sister update: I thought it couldn't hurt to include some things about Grace being a big sister.  She continues to amaze me with her big sister skills!  Just the other night she helped give Wesley a bath.  She used the wash cloth to bathe him, kissed him on the cheek, told him he was being a big boy, and then helped dress him for bed time.  She's so helpful and I'm so thankful the Lord has given her a loving heart towards her brother.  I know it won't always be that way :)
Residency Update (brought back!):  Jimmy is on the PACU right now.  That's where you get taken care of post-surgery; it's a recovery section.  He has been getting home earlier than when he was in the OR, so I especially like this rotation.  Jimmy is also currently studying for his ITE exam in March.  He will still have to read and take exams throughout residency; that's just part of continuing to learn.  Jimmy has weekly lectures as well, so there is always something going on!  He will be back in the OR for the next few rotations.  OH YEAH!  One of his 3 vacation weeks for the year is next week!!  We are SUPER excited to have a staycation :)  We will have a day date one day while the kids are at pre-school, go to the park together, visit with some friends, enjoy time at home...I could go on and on.  I'm guilty of planning too much, especially when he has some time off, so I'm trying to be intentional about just relaxing and enjoying the time he has off.  I am so grateful for all the hard work Jimmy puts in for our family!

1 comment:

  1. Wesley is going to kill you when you show his wife that awesome butt picture one day! That is hilarious....and its going to be great ammo for the teenage years!! Haha.
