Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day 2014!

I could fill up all of your Facebook newsfeeds with sledding pictures and videos, but alas, I decided a blog post would be better for all of us :)  I was SUPER excited about this snow especially since I didn't think we would be getting any.  I don't know if there are many people that get more giddy about the fluffy white stuff than this girl!

This is what Grace's trampoline looked like about an hour after snow flurries had begun.  I was texting this picture to our neighbors and Jimmy with all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what the trampoline looked like before we went to bed!  Woohoo!

Grace woke up from her nap to find snow on the ground.  Who doesn't eat grapes, a bowl of snow, and hot cocoa on days like this?

I should have used a better camera setting, but you can kind of see the snow falling, right?  This was only after a few hours of snow.  It wasn't finished yet!

The snow stopped falling and Jimmy said, "You're going to want a picture of how much snow fell...use this tape measure"  He sure does know me well :)

The morning after!  Yes, those are Jimmy's tire tracks in the road.  People still need anesthesia on snow days!

Another smiley picture but this time, there is WAY more snow!

My mom bought this sled for us at a yard sale in my aunt's neighborhood a few years ago.  It has come in quite handy!   Think Grace enjoyed it?  This was our first sledding adventure of the day.

Pure joy!

There isn't anything better than sitting by a warm fire, drinking hot cocoa (in her case, warmed up chocolate milk, shh!) on snow days.

After our sledding adventure (which was during Wesley's nap) we snuggled up on the couch together and watched Robots, Grace's favorite movie. 

Our second sledding adventure of the day!  Aunt Lulu came to watch Wesley while Grace, Uncle David and I went around the corner to find a big hill to sled on.
Grace and I
Grace and Uncle David
This is what nap time looks like after you've had two snow sledding adventures :)
It was one of the most fantastic days we've had at home in awhile!  The dishes were dirty in the kitchen sink, the clean laundry stayed in the basket, and we made a mess of the entrance area BUT we sure had a blast.  The only thing that was missing was Grace's "daggy".

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