This was from Wesley's 3 month photo shoot. I just realized I never posted those on the blog.
This was from Grace's 3 month photo similar!
One of my favorites
Big sister duty (blurry pic from my phone)
Grace calls this the "chunky picture"...she's so right!
Grace's 1st professional haircut :) She looks scared but was a great sport!
More big sister duty...she's so good at it!
My happy, drooling, chunky monkey
Now, not so much. :)
He's a strong boy! Close to being able to sit up. Grace could sit up by herself at 5 months. We'll see!
My sweet girl. Even though she's been sassy, we take the quote from the book The Way Mothers Are, "I love you all the time, because you are mine". It's a super cute (and really old) book about how mothers love their children no matter what kind of day the child has.
She still loves anything in the sky.
Grace has always had a creative mind. I was sitting with Wesley one day when I heard, "Okay, kitties, you ready for the circus?". I came around the corner to find this. She had lined all the shoes up (pretending they were tigers from the circus) and was telling them what to do. I guess that stuck out in her mind from the circus. Love her creative playing :)
I also love tulips. They are my favorite flower and played a role in Jimmy's proposal to me :) He had ordered them to be delivered on Valentine's Day to surprise me but then a blizzard hit NC. They came late, but who cares when I got them...look at them!
Sums up Wesley's mood most of the time.
Trying out rice cereal and excited about it!
Grace uses Wesley as a prop sometimes.
Helping out...I LOVE how I never really have to ask her to help, she volunteers her services and loves him dearly.
"Hey Ollie, thanks for propping me up...I'll pay you back one day."
Our happy, chunky, and sweet 4 month old boy. I just love him to pieces and adore him even more :)
I looked through Grace's 4 and 5 month pictures but THIS one was the one that looks most similar to Wesley right now. So yes, Wesley is a chunkier baby than Grace was at 4 months...we love it!
Wesley at 4 months:
Weight: 17 pounds (78%)
Height: 25 inches (38%)
Head: 17.5 inches (99%)
Moods: SUPER happy, chill, and sweet. He doesn't usually cry unless he is tired or hungry.
Favorite foods: Milk and rice cereal. Okay, it's not his favorite, but he did try it for the first time. Most of it didn't end up in his mouth...but he did a good job. He had been showing a lot of interest in us eating, so we figured it was worth a try.
Favorite toy: This ball that has loops that he likes to hold on to.
Sounds: Lots of sounds! He giggles, occasionally laughs, and likes to squeal now.
Favorite hobbies: Watching Grace.
Sleep habits: We put Wesley into his crib (because we figured it was about time) instead of the rocker he had been sleeping in. The first few nights were GREAT. Then it got worse and worse. So, he went back into the rocker and is doing much better. He was waking up a good bit but I was only feeding him twice. Last night he slept from 7-12:00 a.m., ate, slept from 12:20-4:00, ate, and then slept until almost 7. That was a much improved night. He's so close to rolling over (loves sleeping on his belly for naps) so once that happens, his night time sleep should improve big time. Instead of me stressing about his sleep habits, (and selfishly wanted more uninterrupted sleep) God is teaching me to enjoy this stage of life and to know that it will pass.
Clothing Size: 3-6 month clothing (depending on the brand) and he can wear 6 months in Carters Just for You brand.
Big sister update: OH. BOY. Grace has been a bit sassy here lately. I guess it's payback. She is usually a great listener, nice to her friends, obeys, etc. This past month she has been talking back, throwing get the picture. It only occurs some days during the week, which is odd. She is getting older and learning her boundaries, I suppose. Jimmy and I can usually laugh about it :) She is still an AWESOME big sister and loves to help with Wesley.
Kristen's work update: Most of you know that I work for a non-profit research company (CERTL)that also does professional development with educators. Our most recent project was commercializing all our problem based learning database of cases. It took months, but we have completed the science and math content and it is currently out on the market! I helped develop cases that are aligned with the new Common Core Standards. Hopefully all of our hard work pays off! I am now working on the English language arts side of the project.
Residency Update: Jimmy is back in the OR which consists of working 6:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Then he has lecture for about an hour, and then he has pre-ops. He is usually home by 5:30 and sometimes even earlier. He was on call two days this past week which is unusual, but everyone has to go through it. Jimmy is really enjoying anesthesia so we are thankful even when the days are long. Jimmy works so hard for our family and we appreciate his passion for what he does. God carved this path out for us long before we knew it was ours. We are enjoying the ride!
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