Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy (belated) 29th Birthday Jimmy Daddy!

I can't believe I haven't posted something for Jimmy's birthday!  Bad wifey blogger :)  We went on our NOLA trip the weekend after his birthday, so I guess that consumed our time!  Here is a post for Jimmy's birthday:

Happy 29th birthday to my fun loving, intellectual, movie and gaming geek whom spends his first minutes home every day playing/dancing/chasing around our two littles. Jimmy, I have loved you for many years and am so proud of the man/father/husband/son/child of God you are becoming each day. God has big plans for you and he is preparing you daily. Know that you are loved today and everyday that follows.

Unfortunately I had to work in Jimmy's birthday from 4-8 p.m.  SO, his birthday present was watching the kids when he got home from work!  I made sure I had a meal prepared so he wouldn't have to cook AND watch the kids :)  He also came home to a surprise cookie cake.  We did gifts the night before.  We will have a joint family birthday celebration for Jimmy and Wesley this weekend at my aunt and uncle's house.

Happy 29th daddy!  Gifts from us and cards/money from family.  

This was Grace on Jimmy's 27th birthday!  She was 18 months old.  I printed this picture and put it in a card for Jimmy that year and he taped it to our bathroom mirror.   Recently I threw the picture away (terrible wifey!) thinking he would be ready for a new picture.  No, he was not.  So, I tried to re-capture the moment for him...

Haha. Well, I tried!  Needless to say, this picture is now on our bathroom mirror.

The night before we left for NOLA, we spent the night in Rock Hill.  Cindy and Linton had a surprise cheesecake for Jimmy's birthday, so he Grace got to blow out his candles!

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