Friday, October 31, 2014

Wesley is a 1 Year Old!!

Wesley is a 1 year old and I am in denial!  Y'all, how did my sweet little nugget, whom we JUST brought home from the hospital, grow so fast?  Most of me wants to have another baby (not now!) because I can't process him being our "last" baby and having all of these "last firsts".  Sigh.  I digress.  Like it or not, he is 1 and we love him so so so so much!!  

Wesley is 1!

 Grace turning 1

1. Mommy fail...I just saw sprinkles at the store and NOT the purple icing underneath.
2. Look at that kid!  He demolished the cupcake without eating a single bite.

Grace was walking before she turned 1.

Grace received this for her 1st birthday.

Guess who?  Grace!

One of my favorite sibling pictures to date...Grace was so excited for Wesley to have a birthday (mainly so she could blow out his candle).

A trip to the pumpkin patch with daddy this time!

These two :)

Evolution of a sibling pic...

There we go!

This girl...we sure do love her.

This boy has my heart!!  Look at that grin.

The "Where is Wesley?" game

Picnic in the front yard while daddy is sleeping on his post-call day "off".  I joke about the "off" because when you are up for 24 hours, the day after is a catch up on a sleep day.  It was a beautiful day!

Love these water babies.  It's just easier to bathe them together!

There was a lot more that went on this month, so check back with the blog for some Halloween fun updates and a family birthday party!

12 Month Update

Weight/Height/Head: Head: 19.25 inches (99%); Height: 29.25 inches (25%); Weight: 23 pounds 10 ounces (80%)
Moods: Phew.  That's about all I have to say about this month with little man.  Bless his sweet heart, hopefully he is just teething and his new fussy mood is not the norm.  Wesley has been sleeping a lot more for naps (which is a great thing) but when he is awake, he just WHINES and CRIES and I think it's going to haunt me in my dreams real soon.  I have to remind myself daily to be thankful I have a healthy boy because this past week has been rough!  As I revisit this post (in edit mode) I can happily report Wesley is better.  Apparently he is only fussy when I'm around or he knows I'm around :)
Favorite foods: peanut butter, bananas, cake icing
Favorite toy: a miniature play kitchen that my parents gifted Grace on her first birthday.  He likes to make the songs play and then dance.  He also loves his tool bench from his Nana.
Sounds: Whining and crying, mainly :)  Honestly though, Wesley has been trying to say "dog" and other animal names which is adorable!  He loves animals and animal noises.
Sign Language: "more", "please", and "all done"
Teeth: 4 bottom teeth; 4 top teeth
Favorite hobbies: dumping toys out of things
Accomplishments: taking a few steps on his own only to drop to his knees and crawl.  I think Wesley is in no rush to walk and we are okay with that!
Sleep habits: 2 naps; a morning 2-3 hour nap followed by an afternoon 2 hour nap; Wesley and Grace take an afternoon nap at the same time and it's glorious.  Wesley goes to bed around 7/7:30 and his wake up time has returned to a normal human waking hour around 6:45/7.
Clothing Size: 12 months
Big sister update: Grace has been playing with Wesley a lot.  She has also started to show signs of jealousy whether it be over a toy he has or a parent that is playing with him.  Grace will come and sit in your lap to get attention and I'd say that's a pretty normal thing.  We try not to make a big deal out of it, but instead we have really been working with her to "put others first" instead of just telling her she's being selfish or "no" all the time.  Jimmy was the one to initially have this talk with her about how to put others first.  I picked her Grace from pre-school one day and she was so excited to tell me that she put one of her friends first at school because she let them swing first.  Thank you daddy for being such a good teacher!
Kristen's work update: I'm still working on developing a professional development module at work while also learning about project-based learning as we recently had some training in that.  Problem-based learning and project-based learning are two different things and I am reading a lot of research articles on both subjects.
Grad School Update: I received a 99% in my first class!  Don't be too impressed, though.  It was a pretty laid back class and my professor seemed to also be very laid back in grading.  I'm not the best writer and received 100's on all of my papers.  I'm thinking it was a good introductory class and we'll see how each professor is different.  I imagine that will be the challenge.  God has helped me better prioritize tasks dealing with work, school, house, etc. and I have felt very productive.  I also have been able to spend a lot more time with the kiddos without feeling guilty about needing to read or do work.  I am learning to be efficient with work/school and I know everything can't be perfect...well nothing will be, but you get my point!
Residency Update: Jimmy will soon finish his PEDS rotation (pediatric anesthesia).  Pediatric anesthesia is difficult, according to my husband.  Think about it, you are dealing with little babies, toddlers, young children, and some young teenagers.  These humans are more fragile than adults, respond differently to anesthesia, and their bodies are just smaller!  Jimmy has felt very successful on most of his rotations, but has admitted that PEDS has been difficult for him.  I guess we at least know he won't be doing a fellowship in PEDS :)  Pray for Jimmy as his finishes this rotation and for all of us as we balance our crazy life, especially with the holidays quickly approaching.  May we exalt Jesus instead of gifts, decorations, Christmas trees, traditions, and many other good things.

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