Happy February, everyone! I'm here with Anna Ruth's 5 month of life post/our family update for January. Remember, I usually wait until the 2nd of each month to do the previous month's post since that's the date of each month where lady turns another month older.
January was super fun mainly because of the snow (see pictures below). We had a magical several days off of school where even daddy was home (for the weekend) to play and sled. We Mommy cooked lots of meals, we played games, watched movies and got plum worn out from all that snow. Lots of memories were created for sure :)
The rest of January has definitely been busy but I also feel like we are balancing things out nicely, now. I've been doing my grocery shopping online (which has saved a lot of time-now I LOVE Wal-Mart whereas before I loathed going in there most times), learning to let go of little messes and have started involving the kids more and more in the cleaning process. That helps mommy stay sane as well.
Three kids is hard, but it's become more doable as we navigate through the months. We are incredibly thankful for the life we have and while we have screw-ups daily, we learn from them and try to point each other to Christ. It's hard. It's frustrating. Sometimes we yell at one another. Sometimes we are selfish. BUT, sometimes it's beautiful. Sometimes we choose patience and love. Sometimes we put others before ourselves. It's a roller coaster ride and I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else. Hope you all have a beautiful month!
Anna Ruth is 5 months old!
Grace @ 5 months
Wesley @ 5 months
Grace with Wesley @ 5 months
Grace with Anna Ruth (from last month)
Anna Ruth has some serious cheeks, people...we adore both of the plump, squishy, kissable cheeks :)
Tummy time has been more interesting with some rolling action and happy girl, holding her head up more and more.
Sweet smiles

Anna Ruth @ 5 months
Grace @ 5 months
Wesley @ 5 months
Snopocalypse 2017
It began snowing one evening and we were SO ready for some snow days! Jimmy and I had a game night in preparation.
Eating icicles
A few days after the snow hit we ventured out into Winston and found this huge pile of snow!
Sledding time!
The dogs loved it
Family trip to the GSO Science Center
Packing up all newborn-3 month clothing and sending it off...tear.
Burger Batch in W-S has the best milkshakes! We will return!
Mommy's favorite show :)
Lunch date with the middle child, our sweet Wesley
Good news from Grace's report card! She made an improvement in one area and overall had a great report card. We celebrated with Chick-Fil-A and friends.
Post-Snow trip to SciWorks
Mall jump
Daddy added some boards in the attic to double our attic space so we could clear out the garage.
Now you can see the floor of our garage!
The kids started gymnastics and love it! Once a week at the SAME time, but in different classes. YES.
Bundling up
Illustrating our way through a Psalm..it has proven to be the best way for the kids to memorize scripture.
Saturday snuggles
Grace and Maddie :)
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