Thursday, September 21, 2017

August Family Update and Anna Ruth turns ONE!

August seems like so long ago...probably because it really was and I'm way late posting my monthly update.  Sorry, folks!  September is kicking my tail...

Okay, so August wrapped up the end of our summer together (myself, and the three kiddos).  We had a much better summer together than I anticipated, to be honest.  I have a short fuse sometimes and was really nervous about being with the kiddos all day and how my patience would fare.  I was in prayer about this often, read parts of some books that helped, and even took some days to nap while the kids rested/napped.  I screwed up sometimes but really felt like God answered my prayers and helped me put things into perspective (cue the Darious Rucker song "It won't be like this for long").

I must also mention that my dad gave us all a scare the day before Anna's birthday when he ended up having two apparent heart attacks.  My mom took him to urgent care, then he was transported by ambulance to a hospital where they did some testing and determined he needed to have stints put in his heart.  He had some major blockage in his heart valves or arteries (I don't know the difference or if I'm using correct terminology).  He was discharged the next day and is feeling much better.  Thank you to those of you who checked on us and prayed for my daddy.  It was an emotional weekend to say the least.  We are so very grateful that things turned out the way they did.

Can you believe this sweet nugget of ours is ONE year old????  She was just snuggling and sleeping on my chest as newborn.  She just came into this world 3 weeks earlier than expected.  She just peed all over Jimmy in the hospital (true story).  She just smiled for the first time. She just said "momma" (after "dada" of course) for the first time.  Now she's like a wild animal all over the place, eating fruit like a bottomless pit, screaming for fun, laughing, starting to walk, and stealing our hearts each day.  Oh Anna Ruth, we love you SO.  SO.  MUCH.  You have completed our family and we can't imagine life without you.

Anna Ruth turns 1!

Grace @ 1

Wesley @ 1

Happy birthday to you!  You can tell by the pause after Grace blowing out the candle that Jimmy and I couldn't react immediately about how to handle that move.  Nicely played, Grace.  "She could get burnt, mommy!  I had to do it for her."  Yeah.  

A month by month progression of our Anna Ruth

Traditional birthday donuts and some gifts sent from family :)

We had a Labor Day weekend cookout with friends to celebrate this beauty.  This is my favorite picture taken by Sarah from the party...look at her!  Props to Harris Teeter for a free smash cake (if you call in advance and order one you can have one for your baby's first birthday), to all our friends for loving us and supporting us through this year, and to our family for their unconditional support of our basketball team-sized family, now.  :)

Grace started 1st grade!  Her teacher is one of my closest friends at work whom just so happens to be an INCREDIBLE educator.  We are pumped about this year!  Mommy loves being able to see Grace in the hallways and I'll even be working in Grace's class for a short period most days.  

Anna is repeating the infant room due to her birthday missing the cutoff.  By two days.  I actually don't mind it one bit...the girl isn't even walking independently yet so it works out nicely!

Wesley began in the 3 year old classroom at pre-school.  I don't want to process that he'll start kindergarten in two years.

Mornings at our house on school days are pure crazy.  So, I decided to try and eliminate some of my fussing at the kids by using a chart.  I found this morning jobs checklist online where both kiddos have to put one of their magnets by the task as they complete it each morning (with the exception of making a bed every morning).  Some mornings it works like a charm and others I feel like a drill sergeant, but we will get there!

1st day of school surprises (water bottles, lunch organizers, and some books)

Summer walking (normally Grace would walk and Anna would ride but Grace was sick the day before so I let her ride...momma got a good workout!)

GSO science museum with buddies

Their awesome outdoor climbing area

Wesley was the brave one to try going up all the way.  He did with a little assistance from one of their workers!

Homeland Creamery tour with some church friends and our new friend (and neighbor), Jenna!

Grace in the front there at the Children's Museum summer camp performance.  She wasn't digging being in the spotlight for the first time in a long time, haha.  She kind of stood there looking scared and ran off the stage when they finished, was so sad!  The emotions these little ones go through is like a roller coaster but we are trying to be intentional about supporting her through the stages. 

Trampoline time @ the mall

Yay for getting to see Aunt Katy and Uncle Frank!!!  They flew in to visit my parents for the eclipse and we got to meet in Charlotte one afternoon to visit.

Pepere and Wesley playing some arcade games

Dinner shennanigans with the Kittner family

Back to school muffins

Park time with the whole family

Play time with the kiddos

Someone loves playing "peek a boo"!

This little nugget.  Just precious.

At the golf range just taking a break

Both kids are asleep in this picture.  Promising ice cream for napping will win every time.

Showing that Anna is turning into a mini-Jimmy

We had our last fellowship group meeting with these lovely people in August.  New groups are beginning in September.  This was a fabulous mix of people and we will miss having deep conversations with them on a weekly basis.

One of Anna's many talents

Back to school shopping trip with the older girls :)  It was so fun!
Turner-Kittnew crew

Joshua and baby Anna 

Anna had a little accident while at home with one of our babysitters (whom we love!) on my first day of work.  She fell on her head and we ended up having to take her to the emergency room.  

Sweet Anna fell on her head and the swelling drained down to her right eye (which is why it's significantly smaller in this picture).  Her eye ended up bruising pretty badly and she was back to new within a week or so.

Anna/Daddy time

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