Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Welcome to the World Gray Hicks!

I remembered that I still had this on my computer...the Hicks visiting us over a year ago when Grace was born!

Me and baby Gray :)

Jimmy and Gray

We have been greatly anticipating (although not as much as the parents :) the birth of Gray Hicks.  Alison, the mother, and I taught together for two years and became good friends.  We hung out one summer many times in her pool and had some great conversations.  Jimmy and I both played soccer in college and Paul, the father, just so happens to be a soccer coach.  We watched a World Cup soccer game with them, have had them over for dinner and gone out for Alison's favorite, mexican food.  Grace was born on April 15th, 2011 and the Hicks were one of the many families that came to visit us...that meant a lot to us!  When Alison became pregnant we both thought it was the perfect idea to discuss an arranged marriage.  I mean, why not?  Is it a coincidence that they both weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce at birth?  All kidding (or not so much kidding) aside, we couldn't have been more thrilled when Gray arrived into this world on Sunday, June 10th.  We went on Monday to return the favor of a visit in the hospital and it sure was good to see the Hicks as a family of three.  God is so good!

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