Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cookies, Chase and Climbing...Grace is 15 months!

I was trying to think of a creative title for this month's post, so I started thinking of things Grace LOVES. It was a coincidence that the first three things that popped into my head all started with C's.  Pictures and monthly update below :)
Playing Chase

She's kind of a pro...

Jimmy began residency this month :)  Go, Daddy, Go!

Bath time when Daddy is in charge...

The bottle was EMPTY but Grace wanted to play with it...hehe, classic!

Kernersville 4th of July Parade!
God Bless America

Lots of tractors

Pool time with Brooke :)

Stylin' while riding

SciWorks-Interactive Children's Museum 

Walk-on piano

Grace, Brooke and Avery

Fun at the mall :)

Pool time and apparently belly time hehe

Our sweet girl is 15 months!

According to Grace's 15 month check-up:
Height: 30 3/4 inches (59 percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs. 10 oz. (66 percentile)
Head circumference: 19 inches (96th percentile of course!)
*Developmentally Grace is doing great!  Her gross and fine motor skills are advanced; especially her walking/now running activity.  Verbally she is right on track; they expect 15 month olds to be saying about 5 words and Grace is saying more than that.  We are so thankful she has continued to be healthy and do not take that for granted one day!

Interests: running (ahh!), playing chase with daddy, eating cookies, playing at the mall and climbing onto and into any/everything!
Sleep habits:
Naptime: 12:30-2:30ish
Bedtime: 7 p.m.-7 a.m. (Grace has woken up early some days due to teething...we think)
Favorite foods:  cookies, watermelon, cantaloupe and blueberries!
Sign Language: "more" "please" "all done" "thank you"
Teeth: 12+the upper 2 and lower 2 smaller molars that are cutting through
Words spoken: dada, momma, num num,  Sylva (Lindsay's dog...I kid you not), nana for banana, more, tickle, dog, car, hey, bye, cracker, cookie, shoe, Lulu for Lindsay, choo choo
*She can say the beginning sounds of a lot of words like "eee"for Ellie :)  We LOVE hearing her sweet voice say words and non-words.
Firsts: 4th of July parade, carousel at Hanes Mall

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