Thursday, August 16, 2012

16 Months Young!

We hope you like the picture journey of Grace's 16th month of life.  We are continuously blessed by our daugther and are grateful beyond measure for God letting us become parents!  Enjoy :)

Our little Michelin girl, hehe

Skyping with "Uncle Gordon" in L.A. for mom and Linton's birthday celebration
We don't have a lot of family pictures lately...2 out of 3 looking isn't too bad :)

The Children's Museum with Brooke!
Snack time with Jack
Tanglewood Park with the Kunz's.  Lucas, Grace and K-man are ready for the hay ride!

Bouncing baby Gray in his chair

"I'm a baby, too momma!"

Grace's big girl chair...she is obsessed with any type of chair so we got her a chair that is just right for her.

You know you have a pretty awesome boss when you can bring your child to a meeting to "help out".  Well, Grace did more damage than good, but we'll let her think she helped :)

The Rock Hill, SC Children's Museum-with memere and aunt Cindy
It was a pretty cool place!

Pool time...Grace loves to drink any kind of water from any type of cup.

Ohh the blessings of hand-me-downs!  This is as good as new to Grace!  Thanks to Lindsay's neices for lending it.

We visited my friend, Megan, in Clover, SC.  We got to go to a real farm to visit animals and ride around on a gator!  Re-thinking my previous "I'll never live in the country" attitude...we had a blast!

Cute baby piggies!  There were goats, cows (Grace was NOT a fan), herding dogs, horses and sheep.

I think this will be the new trend...taking the monthly pictures in her big girl chair.  Next time I will try and center it.
Happy 16 months to our angel!

Residency Update:  A lot of our friends ask how residency is going so I thought I would start including a blurb about it in our blog!  Jimmy finished his first month as an intern on ENT.  Even though he is an anesthesiology resident, his intern year consists of rotating through a lot of different specialties.  He is currently on his "study month" for Step 3.  This is the last of the "step" tests.  He still goes to work during the day and is currently on pulminary consults.  This means he is on a team of residents with an attending that rotates through patients with pulminary problems in the hospital.  They come up with plans, monitor the patients and much more that I can't really pronounce, let alone understand!  Jimmy's schedule has been GREAT as it has allowed him to see Grace a ton and even get a little bit of softball action in during the week.  His schedule also hasn't been that bad yet, and we are aware that it will get much worse (time-wise) so we are spending as much time together until the tidal wave hits :)  Until then, we are grateful to finally have an income instead of an outcome!
Interests: steering her baby stroller, running, live animals and dancing (especially to the Olympic theme song)
Sleep habits:
Naptime: 12:30-2:30ish; She took two naps a day some this month...guess we had a growth spurt.
Bedtime: 7 p.m.-7 a.m.
Favorite foods: cookies, watermelon, snow speas and greek yogurt
Sign Language: "more" "please" "all done" "thank you"
Teeth: 14
Words spoken: dada, momma, num num, Sylva (Lindsay's dog...I kid you not), nana for banana, more, tickle, dog, car, hey, bye, cracker, cookie, shoe, Lulu for Lindsay, choo choo, CHEETAH!, night night, good girl, and some more I just can't remember them now!
*She can say the beginning sounds of a lot of words like "eee"for Ellie :) We LOVE hearing her sweet voice say words and non-words.
Firsts: Olympic games, hayride at Tanglewood Park, two Children's museums (Winston and Rock Hill, SC), a farm in Clover, SC

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