Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Dreamy Weekend Getaway

Most of you know our neighbors dear friends, the Cloers, are a blessing in our lives.  David has been deployed since January (coming home November 15th!) so we have made an intentional effort to watch over Lindsay by having her over for meals, watching the dogs and just keeping an eye on the house.  This might sound like a lot but in comparison to what Lindsay has done for isn't.  Lindsay watches Grace for us on multiple occaisons (thus saving us hundreds in babysitting fees, I'm sure), has watched our dogs if we go out of town and constantly comes home with new clothing for Grace (between Lindsay and our family, I have purchased about 5 clothing items for Grace.)  Should I add that we are surprised with yummy take out on multiple occaisons AND have free photography sessions?  We are completely blessed beyond measure.

Lindsay knew that Jimmy was going to have a vacation week and also knew that even though Jimmy and I both have incomes now, we are getting back on track with saving as we lived off of Jimmy's school loans primarily for the last year.  Leave it to the Cloers to be overly generous...drum roll, please...

Lindsay came into our kitchen one evening and said that she and David had decided to give us a weekend getaway and we didn't have a choice to refuse it.  WoW.  I was so excited I didn't have time to think about crying (in front of her of course); I JUMPED with joy and couldn't contain my excitement.  Long story short, we were gifted a weekend getaway to a bed and breakfast in Black Mountain, NC.  We were also gifted tickets to the Biltmore and I was given a spa credit to receive a massage.  All we needed was someone to watch Grace (which Lindsay also offered to do) but one phone call to my mom and we were covered!  My mom took Friday off of work to drive up to our house and took care of Grace the whole weekend.  This was only the second time we had left Grace overnight and by far the longest time period.  Let's just say she got slightly spoiled by her memere :)

Let the picture journey begin!
Bella Luna Inn: Bed and Breakfast

So excited!

Part of downtown Black Mountain, N.C.
I have a little tradition I began when traveling with Jimmy to some of his resident interviews.  In each new town I made it a point to visit a bakery to sample a cupcake.  The cupcakes at "hey hey cupcake!" were very delicious! 

A "choo choo" for our sweet pea

Private entrance to our room
On the Biltmore property at the Antler Village

Jimmy's first trip to the Biltmore

What if this was your view every morning?
Back at the Antler Village for some free wine tasting; the music was fun, too.

What a way to end our day...a majestic view that leaves me with no doubt God is in control and has created all this we experienced over the weekend.  Thankful and blessed to was an unforgetable experience.

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