Sunday, November 18, 2012

19 Months...STOP growing please!

Jimmy and I were able to both go to a surprise "sock hop" birthday/dance party!

Grace is LOVING airplanes nowadays

Elmo at Halloween
We went to Columbia,S.C. to visit memere, pepere and the Riverbanks Zoo!

This girl loves the carousel
and choo choos!  We even got to take a ride.

 I wasn't sure if Grace would be interested in feeding the giraffes...she was!

She started screaming, "ICEE!!" until we realized she saw the sign.  Memere couldn't resist...
Girls night IN with Lindsay.  We had some yummy stuff!
Fall Festival at Redeemer

Courtney came with us...we had fun while she was in town for the short period of time she was!
With Viv at the Children's Museum

See, daddy does exist!  And he spends his free time playing with his little love.
Grace and Gray...we sort of have an arranged marriage with his parents.  :)

Jack and Grace playing soccer together

Daddy had a weekend off...cuddles and cartoons, please!
Brooke is Grace's buddy!  This slide was also Grace's Christmas present from Jimmy and I.

We were shocked to see that Maverick let Grace do this...he usually darts away from her.  She got on and said, "horse!" haha.
Our little Picasso

Our little big girl!

Residency Update:  Still in one piece!  Jimmy finished his month+1 week working nights and we are glad that's over.  However, Jimmy had a hard time adjusting back to "normal" working days and sleeping at night.  He never got a full day off to recover and switch his sleep schedule but I am not sure an intern ever recovers from sleep deprivation.  OB is his current rotation and although the days are long, he really enjoys the work.  He has delivered 5 babies!  Even though Jimmy isn't doing any anesthesia yet, he is able to perform basic procedures and do much more than when he was a medical student, so that keeps him happy.  He is working nights the week of Thanksgiving so that might not be too fun...but like I keep saying, this soo shall pass.  Everyone has to go through intern year to become an attending.  The next rotation is GMC (Gen. Med. C).  I really don't know what that schedule will be like but we'll take it as it comes!  God has truly blessed our family and we keep things in perspective.  Our neighbor (blog post to come) just returned from his deployment in Kuwait after almost a year.  His wife, Lindsay, didn't get to see him for much longer than I don't get to see Jimmy so we can't and don't complain.  Praise the Lord for providing for his people!

Interests: a new play cube slide, a box of large legos (gotta love Aldi!), playing outside alllll the time, running soccer drills in the backyard
Sleep habits:
Naptime: 12:00 (2-3 hour nap each day; some days she hits 4 hours!)
Bedtime: 7 p.m.-7:00 a.m. (some evenings bed time is later if her nap is longer)
Daylight savings time: We didn't do what you were "supposed" to do and keep your child up a little bit later the days preceding DST.  Grace happened to sleep an hour later than normal so she woke up at 7 a.m. according to the new time.  After that day, it took her almost a week to fully adjust as she was waking up at 6 a.m.  We are back on track and mommy is thankful for that even though I know I can't complain!
Favorite foods:  We don't have a vegeterian on our hands as I previously had suspected.  Grace has been eating chicken nuggets, deli meat and turkey hot dogs.  She has taken a liking to garbanzo beans, sunflower seeds and celery.  It's very entertaining to learn about her new "cravings".  She may even like potato chips...
Teeth: 15 (I think...I haven't counted but I think they are all in so my number could be off)
Words spoken: We are now at 2, 3 and occaisonal 4 word phrases. 
2 word common phrases: Uh oh, bye bye, yes sir, more please, go outside
3 word common phrases: I love daddy
4 word common phrases: "uh oh, my muffin!" (or insert any object she drops) "NO, I love DADDY!"  If you ask Grace if she loves anything but her daddy she says this phrase.
Firsts: public temper tantrum, photo contest victory (won Gamecock fan of the week on facebook!), trip to Riverbanks Zoo

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