Friday, March 1, 2013

Letter "I" Week

"I" week turned out to be more fun than anticipated!  There are only so many things you can do with the letter I that relate to an almost 2 year old.  I am especially looking forward to "J" week mainly due to an edible craft we'll be doing :)

"I" is for ice cream!  We went to Frogurt to get ice cream as a family field trip :)  Our family's Jimmy's favorite dessert!

"I" is for ice cream color matching with felt.  My felt board has come in SO handy.  I still have a lot left over from Christmas so I keep looking for good ideas on Pinterest.  I look forward to using these felt activities for storyboards in a few years with Grace.

"I" is for ice cube painting!  SUCH a cheap and fun activity.  

I was going to try and show Grace what an igloo was but she was too excited and focused on playing with the ice.  Once the ice cubes melted she said, "Uh oh, Where ice go?" haha.  Bath time always lasts a long time but it was especially long this day AND it turned the bathwater a cool color.

Ice cube painting mater piece.  It showed up better than I thought it would but better with the darker colors.

"I" is for being stuck inside!  I know that is a stretch and really didn't use that terminology with Grace but it still worked!  We were stuck inside on a rainy day so we did a random coloring/sticker/shape activity.  I taped paper to the kitchen table and let Grace use whatever art utensils we had.

Cute ice cream worksheet (uh oh..the "W" word...worksheets can be used for good!) I found that had a matching bible verse about how sweet God's words are.  I used this to have her practice coloring inside of lines.  She did well!  I cut the ice cream cone out of the original paper and glued it on here for a more colorful background.  

Gretchen gave me this idea so all credit goes to her!  You have your child use paintbrushes outside on the pavement and water as the paint.  Grace LOVED this activity so much that she threw an out of ordinary tantrum when we had to go inside for lunch.  Don't worry, after a time out she was good to go!  I got this pack of paintbrushes at A.C. Moore using a coupon.  If you have a house paintbrush or roller somewhere in your house, use that!

Oh, and if you have a taste tester, like I do, this is a great art activity!

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