Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Toddlerhood: April-May

I used to entitle the monthly updates of Grace with how many months old she was but that just seems silly as she is 25 months.  For now, we'll call these monthly updates: Toddlerhood.  She was born on the 15th so I'll include half of each month in one post.  If you come up with a better idea...let me know!

Aunt Lulu and Uncle David are the best!  Grace got this sandbox from them for her birthday.  She is in heaven!

I blog about her school stuff that we do in separate posts but she loved this one soo much!  Q-tip painting.

We moved the crib out of her room and now she has SO much more room to play and enjoy "her" space.  We have always had the bed in there knowing we would move the crib one day.

And so it's in our "guest room" aka new room for baby.  This room is bigger than Grace's and we thought about moving her over but decided against it.  Too much work :)  The picture frames will come down and obviously he vacuum/carpet cleaner won't stay either.

One view taking a picture of the other side of the room.  There is plenty of space to walk around and get into the closet even though it doesn't look like it.

We didn't want to get rid of the bed or store it because we may need it for guests and could have baby #2 sleep in a pack n play if/when we do have guests stay over.  If we don't use it, we'll store it but we like the option of having it and will use the end of it as a changing area like we did for Grace.

We find out June 7th if it's a boy or a girl so we'll get to start decorating more once we find out!

Rainbow painting and sweet smiles :)  She LOVES to paint.

Practicing throwing/catching with daddy.  She can catch really well.

Daddy's reading is the best.

Being silly

Farmer's Market/Walk with friends at the Reynolda Villages.  From the left: Grace, Ellory and Chloe.

Sandbox time with Ellory

Mother's Day 2013
I sure do love being a mommy and even though I'm a little nervous about doubling the kid number in our household, I am equally excited to have twice the reason to celebrate my next Mother's Day :)

"S" is for stickers!  I forgot to put these in the post. 

Yes, she put them all over her body.  Fortunately she's a neat freak and had to take each one off, put it on a sheet of paper, and then proceeded with her play time.

This is a great picture to describe Grace's personality right now.  Very independent, spunky, wild but still so sweet and loving.

Residency Update: Jimmy finished up his month of anesthesia and he LOVED it!  We were really praying for it to be a good experience mainly since um, that's what he is signed up for the next three years.  He enjoyed learning, got to do some procedures and came home mentally exhausted but completely fulfilled.  He had the weekends off and we are missing that now!  Jimmy has two more rotations (including the one he is currently on) and then he starts his CA-1 year of three total.  Right now he is on the MICU (Medical Intensive Care Unit) and the shifts are not all.  He is enjoying the rotation but works 14+ hour days.  Some days he gets to be the early person to leave and gets home right after dinner time...yeah.  We are trucking through this rotation and looking forward to our family vacation in June with the Cloers!

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