Monday, October 14, 2013

Grace is 2.5 years old!

Our little lady is 30 months old.  Okay, 2.5 years old sounds better, hence the title.  Oh, and her baby brother will be here in two weeks...ready or not!  We had a fun month!  I am especially grateful for the spontaneous photo shoot that Lindsay did for us at Hawk's Pumpkin Patch.  I wasn't terribly excited about seeing myself in pictures since I'm 37 weeks pregnant, but I'm glad we'll have them now.  Those will be up on the blog soon but here's a "sneak peek"...Jimmy took this one on his phone.

My cooking buddy :)  Thanks to Anne for the adorable "aparon".  Grace always wants to wear it.

Post-beach painting activity
One of my best friends from college, Liz, had her first baby.  Sam (Liz's husband) and Liz live about an hour from us.  We love hanging out with them and look forward to having our baby boys be a month and a half apart in age.  Isn't Henry cute?

We drove to Columbia to meet up with Jimmy's sister, Kristin, and family.  They flew in from Seattle, W.A., so we rarely get to seem them.  We were excited to see Lance, Zachary, and to meet Jackson for the first time; even if it was too short.  Grace loved baby Jackson :)
Jimmy and his nephew, Jackson.

Me, Jimmy, Grace, Kristin, Jackson, Lance, and Zachary

There's my cooking buddy, again :)

This is what 2.5 year old cooking assistants have to deal with in the's a rough life.

We've been counting down the days until Wesley arrives...
Someone wants to be JUST like daddy...

Grace and Brooke, again :)  Pumpkin painting!

Tanglewood hayride to a pumpkin patch with Ellory!

Ellory and Grace usually see each other about three times a week between preschool and bible study.  They are like sisters really, they act like sisters.  Kim and I get a kick out of these two.

Pensive on the decorated hay bale


Caught red handed!  Recently we have been hearing that it takes Grace a little bit longer to fall asleep before bed time.  She knows she isn't supposed to get out of her bed, and usually just talks to herself for awhile.  We came in one night to find that she had fallen asleep mid-tea party.  The funny part is, she doesn't have to get out of bed to get her tea set, it's right behind her bed so she technically didn't break any rules :)  I'm surprised we didn't wake her up with our laughing.

Getting out all the baby stuff!  Can't believe this lady used to be so tiny in the seat...

We went to Lucas and Kellen's birthday party this month.  We love the Kunz family!

Happy 28th birthday, Daddy!  We went out to Firebirds (his new favorite restaurant) for dinner...I think Grace enjoyed it more than he did.
Jimmy's ice cream cake...delicious!

Grace was SO excited about blowing out daddy's birthday candles.  He's a good daddy!
Wesley's nursery (see previous blog post) is complete, so we are ready whenever he is!  I suppose one of the next blog posts will include a picture of him :)

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