Monday, January 13, 2014

Grace's Bible Journey: More School!

We are slowly making our way through the new curriculum I am working on.  I'm basically developing it as I go...and it's been going pretty slowly lately.  I'll blame it on the holidays.  Now that we have begun a New Year, I'll be much more on top of things, right?  :)
Calendar time is fun!  There is SO much you can do with little ones during calendar time.  Right now we are practicing identifying the number that corresponds with the date.

I found cute songs for each month on Pinterest.

Set up for rubber band painting: wax paper (taped to the floor) with drops of paint,

a rolling pin with rubber bands wrapped around it,

and Grace :) 

It was a fun panting activity!

My inner teacher really wants Grace to learn how to color inside of the lines...but let's be real, she's not even 3 years old;  that just isn't going to happen yet.  Instead of forcing it, I'll help her develop the concept.  I drew some shapes, and told her to stamp inside of them...she did a great job!

Big girl puzzle!

Grace was most successful with this puzzle when I asked her to find matching pieces to certain parts.  She sat the whole time and seemed to enjoy time is learning time.

This Melissa and Doug lacing toy was a gift from Santa :)  Santa likes educational gifts in this house, haha.  There is SO much you can do with this toy.

Always let your little one explore a new toy or any materials involved with a lesson, if possible, before doing the activity.  That way, they get their curiosity and wandering eyes/hands out of their system so they can focus.

We put the number beads in order.  Grace put the 10 upside down at first, which made me think of an activity.  When she wasn't looking, I flipped a few numbers upside down and then asked her to help me figure out which ones were turned. 

Lacing the beads is great fine motor skill development.

I also like how the numbers have dots on the top.  That's great for teaching kids how to represent numbers (which we aren't doing quite yet).

Our bible story was about Joseph, the forgiving prince.  Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, and sold him into slavery.  When Joseph was made a prince by Pharoah, and his brothers had to come to him for help, he loved them.  He loved them, and instead of being mad, he forgave them.  I couldn't think of too many crafts or things to do with forgiveness, and didn't see much on Pinterest besides these two things. 

I liked the forgiving fingers rhyme since Grace can count.  She really enjoyed me tracing her hands and gluing them on the paper.  Then, she wanted to trace my hand and color on it.
Grace is a big tattle tale (just like I was) so this lesson came at a perfect time.  If someone has hit, bit, or kicked her at school, that's the first thing she likes to tell me about.  We always tell her to forgive someone if they are mean, and to move on.  People make mistakes, and Jesus forgave people when they were mean to him.  7 times 70 times, just like the song.  Her hearing a story about forgiving was a great connection, so hopefully it will stick!
Wesley was in dreamland while we did the lessons :)

I can't resist including some pictures of him, look at that belly!

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