Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Columbia and Savannah: Christmas Will Never be the Same

A few days before Christmas, this precious Aunt of ours went to be with the Lord.  She was too young and it was too soon, but like my mom's pastor says, "Her room in Heaven was just ready sooner than others".  Aunt La (Laura) was one of the most fun, crazy, selfless, and sweet aunts.  We will genuinely miss her and it has hurt each day since she left this Earth.  Please keep Jimmy's family in your prayers as they move on without her physically here.  Praise the Lord she knew Jesus and is smiling down on us as I write this post.
We had already planned on going to Columbia and Savannah after Christmas, as Jimmy had several days off.  We spent a day in Columbia, SC and a few days in Savannah, GA.
Grace was pretty excited about opening her remote control robot from Memere and Pepere!

We were excited to see Uncle Jordan again!  Wesley is more excited than he looks :)

Dancing like the robot

Uncles are the best!

This sweet boy sure loves his tummy.

Giving Memere a gift

Some proud grandparents right there!
Normally we get to see Aunt Cindy and Uncle Linton for Christmas, but they were visiting Linton's family in Kansas.  We see them more than Linton gets to see his family in Kansas, so even though we missed them, we are glad they had a safe trip!

Grace LOVES owls. 

Our sweet kiddos
Depsite the circumstances, we were happy to see cousin Bayla again!  Grace has missed her since meeting her in early December.

Aunt Alison and Uncle Matt

Wesley Michael Turner, meet Judge James Wesley Head. We were thrilled to be able to introduce these two.  The first time Peepaw (Judge Head or grandpa) held Wesley, he wept.  It was such a beautiful thing to witness.  It made my heart swell and also realize how precious life is.

Although it's blurry, I had to include it!  Uncle Wayne and Aunt Ashley :)

Cousins: Bayla, Keiran, and Brenden

Jimmy, Wesley and Peepaw

Cousin Dani

Jimmy's mom, Grace, and Peepaw

Just precious. 

Uncle Mike, we love you SO much.  Please keep him in your prayers as Aunt Laura was his wife.  Mike is one of the most precious men I know.   Our heart aches for him, but we were really glad to be able to spend some time with him. 
We visited with Grandma Lou and Papa G while we were in Savannah as well.  I should have had a picture taken of all of us!  Wesley slept through the visit, and Grace kept us entertained :)

Love capturing pictures like these

The fish were SO fun to watch!

Peepaw and I
We were glad to spend time with Jimmy's family in Savannah, GA but we sure missed Aunt La.  It was great to see everyone and we especially say thanks to Nancy and David for being brave enough to host our family of four.  I wish I had taken a picture with y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, This is so sweet and beautiful. It was so good to see you again and finally meet your precious kids :) (Have to say my brother and you make beautiful babies) Big hugs sis! Ashley
