Saturday, January 4, 2014

Merry Christmas 2013!

Christmas was different this year for several reasons.  One reason was that Jimmy only had Christmas day off, so we didn't travel anywhere.  Another reason was that our precious Aunt Laura passed away.  I will post about that in a separate post because I want to talk about how amazing of a woman she was, and include pictures of our visit to Savannah.
For now, enjoy our picture journey of Christmas in Winston-Salem.  It was our first Christmas in town AND as a family of four :)

This is our church fellowship group.  We meet every Wednesday night for dinner at alternating houses.  Every year we have a fondue dinner for Christmas...sure do love that group!

Look who helped decorate the tree this year!

Decorating a tree can be exhausting!  Especially if you read Christmas books afterwards...

My Nana made butter cookies from scratch every Christmas.  Then my mom carried on the tradition.  Now, I am carrying it on with Grace.  Grace was my baking buddy for about 1/8 of the time. 
On Christmas Even day we went to Gretchen and Brookie's house.  We iced cookies and made reindeer mix.  I had never heard of it but you mix oatmeal and different colored glitter together in a bag.  Then, you spread it out in your yard Christmas Eve so when Santa and his reindeer come, they see the reflection of the glitter and won't miss your house!  SO cute :)

Two peas in a pod watching Frosty the Snowman

Christmas Eve hunks :)

Christmas Eve: We went with the Cloers to their church's candlelight service.

Grace got to open one gift on Christmas Eve.  It was Ariel from Aunt Lulu, Uncle David, and Ally.

Wesley and Aunt Lulu

Grace and Ally
We had a delicious spaghetti dinner with the Cloers.  They are family to us!

Before Grace went to bed, we set out cookies for Santa and carrots for Rudolph.

I wanted to get a picture of her coming around the corner Christmas morning...bless!

Double bless :)  Look at that first smile caught on camera!  A wonderful Christmas present indeed :)

What do 2 month olds get for Christmas?  Diapers!  Thanks Aunt Cindy and Uncle Linton!

Probably Grace's favorite gift...a dress up chest full of play clothes and accessories.  "I'm a princess", says Grace.

Happy birthday to Jesus!

Christmas day cookie decorating/eating of the icing by Grace.

Jimmy and our version of the roast beast-a yummy ham.
What else does a 2 month old get for Christmas?  Shots, the day after :(  He was pretty mad, so Grace held his hand.  Precious!
Happy New Year!  I started off the New Year with a run.  It wasn't pretty.  In my college soccer playing days, I could smoke a 5K!  I actually placed in several 5Ks way back when :)  My goal is to run in 6 races this year.  Training has begun!

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