Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Weswee" is 2 months old!

Wesley's second month of life was great!  He had some more firsts, slept a lot, fussed some, and started smiling.  The last part has made his mommy incredibly happy :)  Unfortunately (for Jimmy) he only really smiles on cue for mommy.  I guess he'll be a momma's boy.
Wesley's favorite nap position.  His big sister HATED being on her tummy when she was his age.

Wesley and Levi.  Levi is the son of my friend, Christina.  Our husbands went to medical school together and now are both residents at Baptist.  We will be spending a lot of time with Christina and Levi!

Tummy time with the boppy

Until this :)

We love bath time!

I'll put a Christmas post up, but wanted to share Wesley's first Christmas picture.  He looks impressed, right?

I got a smile on cue AND on camera Christmas morning!

He did lots of this his second month :)

Ellie found use in the boppy.
Wesley's first party!  Our fellowship group Christmas party.

2 month naked shot...gotta appreciate the rolls!

Happy 2 months little man

Weight: 13 pounds 3 ounces (76 percentile)
Height: 22 inches (31 percentile)
Head: 16.4 inches (99 percentile)
It looks like we have another Grace on our hands!  Our short, chubby, big-headed baby :)
Moods: Wesley has been a super happy baby the past few weeks.  He was super gassy but it seems to be better.  He will have a rough day here and there, but overall is a smiley, sweet boy!
Favorite foods: Milk still
Favorite toy: Lamaze hand and feet toys (from Aunt Kristin and Uncle Lance)
Sounds: He has found his voice!  He likes to coo and squeal now.
Favorite hobbies: Sleeping on his belly!  He had a hard time sleeping on his back (gassiness we think) so I tried him on his belly for nap time one day and he's addicted.  When he is a little sleepy, you can put him on his belly and he'll be out within seconds!  We can't wait until he can roll over on his belly and sleep in his crib that way.
Sleep habits: We were having a hard time with night time and I realized it was because he kept waking up with gas and sleeping on his back just wasn't working.  SO, I tried the swing for a few weeks and that helped a lot.  Then, my friend, Millie, let us borrow their bassinet type bed.  It rocks (which is helpful for putting him to sleep) and is at an angle, which is great for the gas issues.  Also, it holds Wesley snug, so he probably feels like he is being held.  His sleep has dramatically improved at night.  He goes to sleep by 9 and will give me 4 hours, then 3, and then another 3 hours.  Each time I'm only up with him for about 15-20 minutes.  I'll take it!  I was only up with Grace 1-2 times at this point but for much longer.  Wesley takes three 2-3 hour naps during the day.  The boy can sleep!  I'm especially that his and Grace's naps usually overlap.
Clothing Size: Wesley is in 3 month clothing right now but it's a tad bit big.  He'll grow into it nicely but the 0-3 month sizes are getting too snug.

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