Monday, June 30, 2014

Wesley is 8 months old!

Wesley @ 8 months

Grace @ 8 months 



Sweet boy!

"Unpacking is SO fun with kids around" said no mom ever.  Okay, well if you have a helper that is this cute, it's not ALL unhelpful.

Wesley is great at smiling and chewing!

Happy 5 year anniversary to Jimmy and I!  We had plans but stuff happens so we ended up having a romantic dinner IN.

We got to see Laura and Linc!  Laura and her husband, Jared, used to be in our home fellowship group (well we were added after so we were in their group, technically!).  They moved to Chapel Hill for Jared's residency and will be moving to Malawi for a year this summer.  Happy birthday, Laura!

Wesley was super snuggly one afternoon.  There isn't much better than baby snuggles!

This summarizes his mood, most of the time :)

LOL.  This was NOT posed!  Wesley wants to crawl sooooo bad.  He is really close.  Earlier this week he kept pushing up into the plank position.  I'm glad I was able to capture his flawless form!

Gotta love the baby rolls

He is serious about some banana

We love miss Emily, one of our babysitters.  I came home to two happy kiddos and one especially excited little girl.  Grace and Emily made flowers out of play doh and Grace really wanted to show it off.

Sweetness.  Yep, he's soaking wet here.  We didn't make him stay that way!

I used to have my fourth grade students practice their spelling words using shaving cream.  It was equally entertaining for Grace to play with.

New entertainment for little man!

Cruising with Brooke

A picture from my job!  We do professional development and train teachers in problem based learning.  This picture is from training a group of middle school teachers in Lexington, N.C.  

Poor Grace was stung by TWO wasps.  The picture looks bad because we had ice on the mark before I snapped a picture to send to Jimmy.  She didn't have a reaction at all...I was surprised.  She did however get stung RIGHT before nap time.  I had to keep her up (no nap) and make sure she didn't have trouble breathing (per pediatrician's office).

Poor princess passed out in my arms on the couch around dinner time.  Being stung by a wasp is hard!

Jimmy and I went golfing for the first time together!  I wasn't very good but it was really fun to do something different.  It was also relaxing to drive around a course in the late afternoon/evening.  We will definitely play again!  Jimmy's grandpa Jim and grandma Helen used to play golf and he is the reason Jimmy began playing golf.  Also, my mom and aunt lived on a golf course growing up and my papa loved playing!  I guess you could say we are continuing the tradition.  Jimmy is swinging a club my uncle Linton gave to him in this picture.

Water play date with Maddie and her sister, Hannah

Our last play date with Brooke: Tanglewood Water Park.  It's a really fun place but they get packed quickly!

In honor of the World Cup and USA's first match against Ghana, I made a game treat.

Those two!

This boy loves food...particularly bananas, haha!

Weight/Height/Head: won't have until 9 month check up
Moods: Incredibly happy :)
Favorite foods: anything; he hasn't said no to a food yet
Favorite toy: pretty much anything he can chew on
Sounds: da da and ba ba
Teeth: 3 bottom teeth!
Favorite hobbies: rolling, planking, and rocking back and forth on his knees...will be crawling soon!  I don't know what to do with a crawler because Grace skipped that phase and walked a little early.
Sleep habits: 3 naps a day and sleeps 7-6:00 or 6:30 through the night!
Clothing Size: 9 months; will be in 12 months within the next month I think
Big sister update: Grace has been really helpful.  She is getting more interested in playing with Wesley.  She wants to play with him and wrestle more than we'd care for, haha.  We look forward to when they can actually play without having to worry about Wesley getting hurt.
Kristen's work update: My work is going well.  I recently helped train a group of teachers in problem based learning and led most of the sessions.  I am now officially ready to be a trainer on my own, if needed.  I am also in the process of applying to grad school!  I have always wanted to become a principal and knew that I would have to get my masters in School Administration, so why not now?  I have a new contract for work until December (and hopefully it will get extended like usual) so I do plan on working while doing grad school.  People think I am crazy but here's why I'm not:
1.  I will have to teach in a classroom setting most likely before working my way into administration.  I plan on doing that when Grace starts school (in two years!).  I don't want to worry about grad school then.
2. If I begin my masters now, I'll finish it before Jimmy graduates from residency so if we have to move, I would already be finished.
3. Lord willing, we may want to have another child, so now would be the time to get my masters.
4. Our kids are young and won't remember this time in their lives.  So even if I get stressed out about not spending enough time with them or am feeling overwhelmed with everything, they won't remember any of it.
5. My part time job is incredibly flexible as I work most of my hours from home.
I am currently waiting on a few things to be worked out before I commit to applying to the program I am interested in, so I'll keep you posted!
Residency Update: Jimmy finished a month of general OR and just began neuro.  He will primarily be working with neuro cases this month.  I don't have any good examples because he just began today and his room was empty to begin with so he was given ad-on cases.  He doesn't have any neuro cases tomorrow, but after that I'll find out more.  His working hours should remain the same but he has to study a lot right now.  Jimmy's next board exam is in about a month so any free time he has at home is spent studying.  It's hard but we all have to sacrifice and I know he is doing this for our family.

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