Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wesley is 11 months/Monthly Family Update

This adorable, curly haired, smiley faced, cheesing, dancing, chunky legged momma's boy is 11 months old!  I don't want to talk about him turning 1 THIS month...

Grace @ 11 months!
Daddy-daughter date: camping!  Jimmy set our tent up (which brings us to a total of 2 times using it) in the backyard.  He and Grace filled the tent with blankets and pillows.  It was a beautiful night!  They watched a movie on Jimmy's Ipad while enjoying popcorn and candy.  Grace fell asleep a little late, around 9, but apparently moved around so much that Jimmy made the call to come inside at approximately 1:00 a.m.  Memories!

This is how my children react to ONE mosquito bite...
but then it turns into the shape state in which they were born, haha!  You could argue that it looks like NC or SC.
Fellowship group night!  We alternate between three houses for fellowship group on Wednesday nights.  We rarely have to bring the kids due to our awesome neighbors a.k.a. Aunt Lulu and Uncle David.  They usually come over and put the kids to bed for us and then hang out in our living room until we get home.  This particular night I had to bring the kids with me to put them to bed and Grace was ecstatic.  Look at these cuties!

Girls night OUT!  Fellowship group girls: Ashley, Anne, Kim, me, Leslie, and Erin

We have some pretty awesome neighbors on both sides!  Coen is pictured in the middle, here with Grace and Wesley.  We went to hang out one morning while the dads were working.  These kids have a lot of fun together!  Ava was napping, but she was able to participate :)

Stud muffin making a quick call to his honey before church.  Mommy is the honey, of course!

Making Pepere proud at Lowe's!

Snack sharing time: graham cracker style

Bethabera Apple Festival 2014
Lorelie and Wesley

Ellory and Grace
Flashback: This was Ellory and Grace as babies!!

Enjoying some music while eating lunch


LOL.  We are not sure how this happened, but it did.
Flashback: Grace and Brooke at the Apple Festival in 2012!

Grace picked out some apples at the festival, so we did what any southern, apple loving family would do...

Made a homemade apple pie!  It was SOOOO delicious!

Uncle David turned 40 this month!!  I will post pictures from his surprise birthday party in another post.  Here is a preview of what happens when you turn 40 in our cul de sac:

Yep, we got him good!
This is what happens when you combine a cute baby and a box.

Someone has some cute curly hair, just like sissy!
Wesley taking steps with his walker.  I think this was at the end of 10 months, but I forgot to include it in last month's post. 
Wesley clapping along to music from his favorite toy

11 Month Update
Weight/Height/Head: will have at one year check up
Moods: Sweet, happy, and also whiny at times.  He likes to pull up on my clothing and say, "mama".  Sometimes it's cute, sometimes not so much :)
Favorite foods: strawberries, pasta, and soft animal crackers
Favorite toy: a miniature play kitchen that my parents gifted Grace on her first birthday.  He likes to make the songs play and then dance.
Sounds: dada, mama, and dog!  Well, as close to the way it's supposed to sound; lots of other babbling noises
Sign Language: "more" and "please"
Teeth: 4 bottom teeth; 4 top teeth
Favorite hobbies: dancing to "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé, playing with sissy (Grace), and chewing on stuff
Accomplishments: stands independently for a few seconds, but then drops to his knees to crawl; we are in NO rush to have him walking so it's fine with us :)
Sleep habits: 2 naps; a morning 2 hour nap followed by an afternoon 2-3 hour nap; Wesley and Grace take an afternoon nap at the same time and it's glorious.  Wesley goes to bed around 7/7:30 and his wake up time is inconsistent.  It ranges anywhere between 5:30 a.m.-6:45 a.m.  Mommy does not go in his room until around 6:30 a.m. regardless.
Clothing Size: 12 months
Big sister update: Grace has been playing with Wesley a lot.  She has also started to show signs of jealousy whether it be over a toy he has or a parent that is playing with him.  Grace will come and sit in your lap to get attention and I'd say that's a pretty normal thing.  We try not to make a big deal out of it, but instead we have really been working with her to "put others first" instead of just telling her she's being selfish or "no" all the time.  Jimmy was the one to initially have this talk with her about how to put others first.  I picked her Grace from pre-school one day and she was so excited to tell me that she put one of her friends first at school because she let them swing first.  Thank you daddy for being such a good teacher!
Kristen's work update: Work is going well!  I am working to create an online version of our PBL training institutes.  It's difficult because doing the institutes in person is obviously interactive, and engaging.  Creating the online version of the training is a bit of a challenge.  I am also traveling to schools in surrounding counties to do follow up visits with teachers using PBL in their classrooms.  I LOVE visiting schools and working with teachers.
Grad School Update: My class is currently in week 6 of course 1.  I am on week 7 because Jimmy and I are going on a trip to New Orleans soon (he is presenting at an anesthesia conference so I get to go along...YAY for Aunt Cindy and Uncle Linton who will be watching the kids!).  I want to get ahead so I don't feel overwhelmed come time for the trip.
Residency Update: Jimmy just finished OB.  He did 98 epidurals this past month.  PHEW!  The rotation was lonnnng, y'all.  It was different than a typical OR rotation because when he was home he didn't have additional work to do besides studying, but he was hardly home.  Part of that was due to some moonlighting shifts he signed up for to make some extra money for our family.  Jimmy was also thrown back and forth between night and day shifts which is hard to transition through.  The typical day shift for OB is 6:30-5/6.  That's a long day!  Jimmy worked later on some days and even got called back in some day as well.  He begins PEDS (anesthesia for kid surgery cases) tomorrow.  Pray that Jimmy has the energy to make it through his days, and for Grace dealing with her daddy being gone.  She has really been missing him!

1 comment:

  1. Ellory LOVES this update, Kristen, and I do too :) it's amazing to see the photos of Grace & Ellory now & as babies! Time flies!
