Saturday, February 22, 2020

January 2020 Family Update

Annual Kittner-Turner family sleepover!  I think this was year 4.  The kids received some presents, we ate lots of food, played some games, and then had a yummy breakfast in the morning and all headed to the gym!

We can walk down the street to this playground and absolutely love it!  We Mommy needed some fresh air!

Happy birthday, Marie!  January team lunch and look at that milkshake!

She puts on her leotard and declares to the audience listening, "I've waited my whole life for dis!"

Gymnastics, y'all.  She's waited her whole 3 years of life for gymnastics class.  Actually, Grace leveled up, which is great, but that moved her to a new day of practice.  I happened to notice that the gym had an option for all three kids to do a class at the SAME TIME.  You better believe I signed them all up.  Now, I can sit in peace and quiet. Well, not really.  Now I have three kids yelling "Mommy, watch this!" from different parts of the gym instead of having two kids drive me bonkers for an hour while I try to watch Grace at practice.  

Pizza night again

Jimmy and one of his financial friends recently started a podcast.  It's called Money Meets Medicine.  Grace got to read the disclaimer and is featured in each episode.  She thinks she's a star!

My newest most favorite cookbook!  We've been trying to make better food choices and everything I've tried out of here is perfect.  

One afternoon (after a good rain) I decided it would be a good idea to put our rain boots and go explore.  It was a good idea and a lot of fun...except Anna, haha.  She thought it was funny to plunge in the mud...I guess it kind of was funny.  They had a good time, so that's all that matters ;).

Our new favorite ice cream spot: Abbott's.

Katryn used to babysit for us and then she graduated and moved back home.  We miss her BUT she happened to be coming to town, so we got to meet up with her for brunch.  So good to see her!

Grace's biography project: a bottle doll of Simone Biles

Girl got all A's..we are so proud!  She worked hard to bring up that math grade.  Wesley also had a great report card.

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